me: Did you have your transfer today? Everything go ok?
Thank you for thinking about us!!!:) Everything went good with the egg retrieval. The doc got 7 eggs. I was vomiting and sick after the retrieval but I think it was the anesthesia and pain meds from the procedure. The Embryologist called the next morning and 4 out of the 7 eggs fertilized. We had our transfer this morning. We transferred two embryos. Now the waiting game! :) how's your summer going?
Me: I'm glad to hear it went as planned :) when is your first beta? Our transfer is tomorrow at 10:20-eek! Summer is going great! Had 2 vacations 1 friends, 1 family. Starting to plan for going back to work in the fall. How about you?
I will be thinking and praying for you!!!!!! How many are you transferring? How long will you rest? I am off work tomorrow. Did you get a teaching job? We start teacher preservice training next week. :( I go in for my pregnancy test blood work in two weeks. do you do blood work after your transfer?
We are transferring one, we did the same with Reece and slams thought since we were successful before that we have a "good" chance of it working again. I think they have you on bed rest two days after, so my mom is going to watch Reece all day tomorrow then come over in the evening Saturday when Jeri goes to work. Our first beta is the 28th.
I did get a teaching job, I'll be at Darby woods in southwestern doing 3rd grade special education. Where and what will you be?
Good call! How are you feeling? Congrats on your teaching job! I am the curriculum specialist at my same school, cornerstone academy in Westerville. That is nice to have family close to help with Reece. :) how is she doing???
I'm feeling weird... lol. Nervous I guess, but I'm trying not to think about it. :) She's good, ha- she loves to be held and carried around, we were talking today about how the next 2 weeks when I can't pick her up is going to be a shock to her system.
I know she will be like what is going on Mommy! :) I couldn't sleep last night thinking about today. Do they give you a Valium before the transfer?
No, nothing. Did they for you?
Thinking about you! How did everything go today? How are you feeling? Yes they gave me a Valium to help relax me and my uterus.
It went well :) They thawed 2, 1 survived, a grade 1 hatching, Dr Williams said the transfer went well. This is the u/s of our transfer. I feel like I feel something but not sure if that's possible.... Maybe just my stomach rumbling. How are you feeling?
That is great news!!! :) I am feeling good. Just a sore back from the progesterone shots. You taking any pills?
I totally understand the sore back, the nurse we had for the transfer suggested using a warm compress to massage the area after the shot which we did tonight and it really helped! I just took my last medrol pill. I'm also doing a progesterone pill, but vaginally. Are you?
Me: How are you feeling jessa? When is your first beta scheduled?
How are you doing and feeling? :) I am feeling ok, just crampy. I go Monday. What about you?
Me: Monday too. I've been feeling crampy too. I hope that's a good sign.
Wow the same day!!!! I am praying with both get amazing news! :) I started feeling crampy and back pains on Monday.
Me: I think mine was around the same. It comes and goes. Worries me :P
Me: Are you testing early or waiting for the blood test?
Jessa: I am not testing eArly. Are you???
Me: I did today, but I can't really tell. It's one of those cheapo ones with the line. I like the digital ones so much better.
Me: Fingers crossed!
Jessa: Thank you!Praying!!!
Me: Did you get your phone call?
Jessa: Yes did you? Praying for good news for you. Nurse called and said my hcg was 86 and they want it in between 60 to 100 to be considered pregnant. Praying that it doubles by Wednesday.
Me: lots of prayers for doubles, and heartbeats after that!!!
Jessa: So excited for you!!!!! Amazing news!!!!! :) yes lots of prayers!
Hope you get some good rest tonight. I had the nurse leave a message on my voicemail and when Tyler got home from work we listened together. I just cried. did you and jeri get the news together?
Me: Aww, we didn't get it together, but I made him a little certificate that said "good for one baby, expires in 9 months" and had Reece give it to him.
Me: Holy crap that's awesome jessa!! Yes, mine went to 452. I have another beta on Friday, my first one was 230. Do you have another one scheduled too?
Jessa: Thinking about you! How are you feeling? How was your last growth scan? Any contractions yet? I had a growth scan last Monday and the baby was 7 pounds. :)
Me: Feeling pretty good other than being swollen, especially my feet! Last growth scan was good, 2 weeks ago & she wad measuring 7#10oz! Definitely contractions just not lasting. last week I was dilated 1 cm. How about you? How are you feeling? Are you having contractions? When is your next appt?
Jessa: Thinking about you! How are you feeling? We had our little miracle baby boy Judd Jay Wolff after 30 hours of labor on April 2nd at 1248 am. :)
Me: Congratulations! I didn't realize you'd had him already! Love the name :) can't wait to see pictures/meet him! We go in tomorrow for a 7:30 am c section can't wait! 16 hours to go!
Jessa: Thank you!!! Such a little blessing and miracle! :) good luck! Can't wait to see pics of your little miracle!
Me: How are you doing Jessa? Do you have family around to help? My mom and dad have been here every day since we've been home from the hospital, tomorrow is our first day without them :/
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