Monday, March 16, 2009

Eurorails weekend

I mentioned playing Eurorails last weekend, and this weekend we played again...

Saturday Jeri & I spent some of the day working on our yard. We had the HUGE silver maple tree in our backyard cut down before Christmas and we were distributing the trunk shavings around to our flower beds as mulch Saturday (yeah we're slow). We got most of the beds covered, but still have a crazy amount of "mulch" left in a pile in our backyard. Hopefully we'll find a place for it before the grass starts trying to grow again underneath it.

Sunday we went to church. It was so nice because we were back at the Concord House for church, rather than being in someone else's building. After church mom, dad, & Nick came over for lunch. After Nick left we started playing our contineous game of Eurorails. Check it out here: http:// We finished our game (mom won) and then played Settler's of Catan.

Jeri & I spent the remainder of our day doing some things "for us". We went to the humane society and walked some of the dogs, we went to the GuardTower to check out some of the games, we went to Walmart for a new garbage/yard waste can, DairyQueen, and then to mom's & dad's to clean/organize their tool area as a father's day present!

All in all, one great & relaxing weekend!

1 comment:

  1. and it was such a nice early dad's day present...actually, it probably qualifies as a mom day present too since she was the most excited that she could actually walk through the back part of the basement! DAD
