Thursday, August 13, 2009

Moments I Hate to Have

This was one of those days when an event occurs that just makes life seem miserable.

Jeri and I visited the new Reproductive Endocrinologist today, Dr. N. We had a short discussion with him about what we've done thus far towards having a baby, including but not limited to how long and how many times a week we've been having sex... After the talk we were taken to an exam room where the Doc then did an ultrasound to make sure everything was healthy with my uterus. He thinks he may [brace yourself, this is the miserable part] have found a uterine septum in my uterus... A septum you may ask? Isn't that in your nose? Well, actually as I learned today, a septum just means a divide. Your nose is divided by the septum, your uterus (and also cervix and vagina) can be divided and have a septum too. This creates a V shape in the uterus, and can cause miscarriage, early pregnancy, and spontaneous abortion. Lucky me, yet another thing to heap on my already full plate of infertility woes. Next week I'll have a sonohysterogram done (which is when they put fluid in a cavity in the body - my uterus - to better see what a normal ultrasound will not) to find out for sure if I have the uterine septum or not. If I do, then I will need to have surgery to remove the septum if Jeri and I proceed to go through with using donor eggs to get pregnant.

On another note, I also went to see my Ob/Gyn today because I had a period - which if you've read my previous blogs you know that I do not get naturally. This one was not due to taking birth control pills, which is how I menstruated in the past. I was given yet another exam, as well as had blood taken to determine the cause of the period. I will find out when the blood results come back (hopefully) what caused the bleeding, and what will happen after that.

1 comment:

  1. Sarah, I'm so sorry to hear that. I'm not sure if you remember Mary from the group (Mary and Joseph), but she had a uterine septum too. I'm pretty sure she had surgery to correct it. She might be a good resource as you are navigating this situation. (((Hugs)))
