Saturday, August 29, 2009

Possible Surgery

The reason I'm writing this blog is to ask for your prayers.

I've had 3 appointments in the past 3 weeks with
our new Reproductive Endocrinologist. We decided to see a new one because some friends of mine had success with them getting pregnant. Anyway, through these appointments we found out that I (along with Turner's Mosaic!) have also a Uterine Septum. Basically there is an extra "skin" in my uterus that splits it (it looks like a heart on ultrasound). The septum, if not removed, has a 70% chance of causing a miscarriage. In order for them to continue with the egg donor/IVF process I will need surgery to remove it.

I am having a really hard time with the news of surgery. It is an unnecessary surgery if we do not want to get pregnant, meaning, it does not change the quality of my physical health. We are going ahead with scheduling the surgery because I don't want to hold back in case I (we) decide to go through with it. The surgery, I'm told, is fairly simple-they use laparoscopy and miniature scissors (I forget what the medical term is), it's about 45 min-1 hr. It is out patient, takes about 3-5 days to recover. I would have to take 2 days off of work.

I also have an upcoming appointment with a cardiologist to make sure my heart can handle being pregnant. Based on last year, I don't see that being a problem, but with my luck lately, you never know.

So I don't know what to do... I am really at a loss. I SO much want to have a baby, Jeri & I both want to go through the pregnancy... but I am scared (SUPER scared) of surgery... At this point, prayers would be amazing.

1 comment:

  1. Sarah-we are praying for you. This is a big decision and a lot to go through, but you and Jeri will do the right thing for the two of you. (((Hugs)))
