Monday, December 9, 2013

Confessions about our IF journey

From Sarah:

1) I used to FREAK out about needles, once I even cried when a nurse swabbed me with alcohol - now I'm like needles?, whatever.  IVF has definitely made me more fearless.
2) IF has made me more of an advocate for other people.  Jeri and I started a Resolve Support Group in our city 3 years ago.  It's one of the things I'm proudest of.

3) Lots of people say things that are *very* hurtful even though they either don't mean to or are trying to have good intentions... and I think it's ok to be mad at them anyway.

4) I'm scared out of my mind to try an FET, but because Reece is the best thing ever, I *think* I want to try for baby #2.

5) Jeri and I don't always communicate well because we think SO differently, but when it comes to our IF journey, he's my rock, and I'm so incredibly glad I married him.

From Jeri: 

1) IF is a long journey, but our daughter was the best thing that has ever happened to us.  

2) There are lots of shots - don't pull out [the needle] until you pull the trigger, because it won't win you any bonus points.

3) Don't forget you aren't alone in the journey.  The more people you tell, the more people you realize are in the same or similar situation to you.

4) We didn't trust everything we heard from doctors.  Getting a second opinion to confirm accuracy was a good move for us because one doctor told us Sarah had a uterine septum and would need surgery to remove it, the second one said 'what uterine septum'?  

5) No matter what we did, we were always going to do it together. 

3 years of trying
1 chromosomal analysis
3 echocardiograms
1 known egg donor
1 retrieval
7 embryos
500+ injections (shots)
1 transfer
2 bleeding scares
6 Ultrasounds
Having our daughter... priceless

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