Monday, August 31, 2009


Today as I was driving home I saw the person driving in front of me smoking. imgres.jpg of course I think it's totally disgusting to smoke, but if you have to do it, that is your prerogative. However, then the person tossed their cigarette OUT the window! Ew, litter bug!! imgres.jpg I were more ballsy I would drive up next to the guy and say "hey quit littering in my city!" or "LITTERBUG!!!" or "Dirty your body, not the road" or something else equally gratifying to me and every other person who dislikes smoking & hates littering!

1 comment:

  1. I had a similar thing happen on Thursday...some dude threw a fast food cup and bag out of his car window while driving on 23...I was shocked!!! I started laying on my horn the whole time I drove behind him. Kind of nuts, but seriously how hard is it to just wait until you get to a trash can?!
